
What my clients are saying

Mentoring has given me confidence to achieve higher and go onto better things. In terms of leadership I have been given the opportunity to work for the schools in the Academy Trust. I was only able to do so due to my mentoring sessions that really gave me a clear vision of who I want to be. Yes, I would highly recommend the mentoring sessions to anyone in leadership as they helped me to map out my career aim and achieve the outcomes.
Mrs M Vadgama Associate Senior Leadership Team & Head of Design and Technology
I have found Winnie’s mentoring to be incredibly beneficial over the year as it has given me the opportunity to discuss my reflections, set targets and find clarity within the roles I have taken on. The half-termly leadership assessments have been a valuable tool for monitoring my own progress and the action plans developed during our meetings have given me focus and enabled me to both prioritise and explore in depth the challenges I have taken on.
Ms K Mullins Associate Senior Leadership Team, BTEC Co-ordinator & PE teacher
This year I have taken on a lot more responsibility within the school: Setting up a department, driving a new higher programme and expanding our EPQ cohort. Winnie has helped me set myself clear goals in these endeavours and allowed me to reflect on the success and progress of my actions. Her half-termly meetings have given me excellent opportunities to check my progress and set myself new goals for the coming weeks.
Mr J McKay Associate Senior Leadership team and Head of Politics/EPQ
Winnie Greer

About Winnie Greer...

“I am passionate about teaching and learning and using leadership to drive excellence and so this Educational Consultancy provides me with the opportunity to use my extensive leadership experience to help others develop in their leadership role”

Get in touch...

To arrange a consultation or to discuss an opportunity, please contact me using the form below. Alternatively call me on 07930397544