Leadership Mentoring Services
Discover how Winnie Greer's mentoring or coaching skills can help
Middle and Senior Management Level
This package can involve an agreed number of hourly meetings during the academic year (usually on a half termly basis) to support leadership skill development and discuss key action points for the year to enable the short, medium and long-term planning necessary for the successful achievement of those academic action points. The programme involves a termly leadership skills audit to further develop leaders as reflective practitioners. I employ a critical friend approach which involves mentoring or coaching skills depending on need.Departmental / Whole School Issue Quality Assurance
This package can provide an external consultancy report based on a range of quality assurance activities depending on the needs of the school e.g. lesson observations, Work scrutiny of students’ books and departmental documentation, interviews with HOD, students, learning walks etc. depending on the needs of the school. The report will give a snap shot of the current situation regarding the issues identified and an action plan and recommendations produced in consultation with the school.Revision Workshops for A Level Chemistry Students
This package can vary e.g. working with individuals, small groups or a full class. I have had extensive experience of most exam boards and therefore provide masterclasses to support students in developing the exam techniques required for success. I am passionate about chemistry and therefore always try to find innovative ways to help students not only understand A level Chemistry concepts but enjoy it too.
RACE CHARTER Consultancy
Are you looking to celebrate the diversity and equality practices in your school? Need help in starting the journey of achieving the RACE CHARTER award? Then get in contact. I can support your school in the relevant training and create an action plan which identifies how the school has met or is on the way to meeting the necessary criteria to achieve either the Bronze, Silver or Gold RACE CHARTER award. This would be done in conjunction with Fig Tree International and the SSAT awarding body.
What my clients are saying
About Winnie Greer...
“I am passionate about teaching and learning and using leadership to drive excellence and so this Educational Consultancy provides me with the opportunity to use my extensive leadership experience to help others develop in their leadership role”
Get in touch...
To arrange a consultation or to discuss an opportunity, please contact me using the form below. Alternatively call me on 07930397544