Middle and Senior Management Level
This package can involve an agreed number of hourly meetings during the academic year (usually on a half termly basis) to support leadership skill development and discuss key action points for the year to enable the short, medium and long-term planning necessary for the successful achievement of those academic action points. The programme involves a termly leadership skills audit to further develop leaders as reflective practitioners. I employ a critical friend approach which involves mentoring or coaching skills depending on need.  
Departmental / Whole School Issue Quality Assurance
This package can provide an external consultancy report based on a range of quality assurance activities depending on the needs of the school e.g. lesson observations, Work scrutiny of students’ books and departmental documentation, interviews with HOD, students, learning walks etc. depending on the needs of the school. The report will give a snap shot of the current situation regarding the issues identified and an action plan and recommendations produced in consultation with the school.  
Revision Workshops for A Level Chemistry Students

This package can vary e.g. working with individuals, small groups or a full class. I have had extensive experience of most exam boards and therefore provide masterclasses to support students in developing the exam techniques required for success. I am passionate about chemistry and therefore always try to find innovative ways to help students not only understand A level Chemistry concepts but enjoy it too.

RACE CHARTER Consultancy

Are you looking to celebrate the diversity and equality practices in your school? Need help in starting the journey of achieving the RACE CHARTER award? Then get in contact. I can support your school in the relevant training and create an action plan which identifies how the school has met or is on the way to meeting the necessary criteria to achieve either the Bronze, Silver or Gold RACE CHARTER award. This would be done in conjunction with Fig Tree International and the SSAT awarding body.


What my clients are saying

Working with Winnie has allowed me to develop both personally and professionally. This has proven especially essential since moving overseas to work in an all-boys catholic school, in the role of Head of English, Literacy Co-ordinator and Associate SLT member, which I had never done before. Without the guidance of my mentor Winnie, I would not have been able to cope and create a balance between my personal and professional lifestyle. Winnie supported me with expert knowledge in curriculum, guided me through issues with co-workers and provided training and tools to support my current work load. I am very grateful for her support and constant guidance.
Ms C.Hassell Associate Senior Leadership Team, Head of English, Literacy Coordinator
I am a Secondary Science teacher currently coming to the end of my NQT year. Throughout this year, Winnie has been my mentor. She has given me invaluable support and detailed feedback on both my teaching and professional development and I was able to use her guidance to adapt my teaching accordingly. Her approachable demeanour and wealth of experience and expertise has been extremely valued and key to my success this year. Winnie has helped me to develop the leadership skills and confidence needed to advance my career. I would highly recommend her consultancy services as without her advice this year, I would not have been able to develop my practice. 
Ms E Howard NQT Science teacher
Winnie's sessions have helped me with my leadership and self-development and I have found them instrumental in succeeding in middle management. The mentoring has helped me develop as a leader by showing me how to moderate, monitor and encourage teachers in my department who I do not see regularly. It also helped me deal with challenging colleagues. I would 100% recommend this consultancy service. I always left sessions feeling inspired, valued and confident in my abilities as a leader. Due to always working on the targets set by Winnie I have seen an improvement in my leadership. Definitely a morale booster!
Ms H Ryall Associate senior Leadership team, Head of History
Diversity and Equality is at the heart of what we are about at St Ursula’s Convent School. For us, this is crucial since it really does underpin who we are as a vibrant Ursuline Catholic community. We felt we wanted external recognition for ‘the way that we are’ and the direction of our travel. This is why we decided work with Winnie and apply for the RACE Charter Mark this academic year. Winnie has supported us on this journey from a strategic and operational perspective. She swiftly developed warm professional relationships with our students and staff. She provided training (including to our Board of Governors), engineered opportunities for cultural activities and she even rolled up her sleeves to teach some Science when we were in need! I am delighted that we have been awarded the RACE Charter Mark. It is an important recognition for our school and a key platform for us to build upon together as a community. We will continue a professional relationship with Winnie so that she can support us build on this success. Alongside this, Winnie also provided coaching and mentoring to those new to senior leadership. The programme that Winnie delivers is robust, challenging and supportive. Colleagues really valued this support and it has been pivotal in shaping the next steps for all of the participants. Finally, Winnie has also been a significant support to our school as we have looked at our Religious Education provision and reviewed the Catholic Life of St Ursula’s. Winnie has provided expert training to us and schools in our Federation, supported and challenged leaders and done nothing but demonstrate true Catholic values in how she has worked with us this year. I would recommend Winnie’s services to others because she is knowledgeable, proactive and highly flexible around school needs.
Kathleen M Faherty Headteacher, St Ursula’s Convent School
Winnie Greer

About Winnie Greer...

“I am passionate about teaching and learning and using leadership to drive excellence and so this Educational Consultancy provides me with the opportunity to use my extensive leadership experience to help others develop in their leadership role”

Get in touch...

To arrange a consultation or to discuss an opportunity, please contact me using the form below. Alternatively call me on 07930397544